Patient-Matched and Bio-integrative Orthopedic Implant Solutions

Intended for Healthcare Professionals only. Not approved for sale.

Fully Resorbable Bone Graft Substitutes with Structural Support

Ossiform® is developing P3D Bone, a new generation of bio-integrative bone implants. The P3D Bone is printed with a tailored mix of cancellous and cortical components to enable strong fusion while meeting the specific structural demands of diversified applications. The result is a more natural implant in terms of both material, shape, and structure.

In preclinical studies, P3D Bone demonstrates osteoconduction with a rapid formation of new vascularized bone, osseointegration with native bone, and a simultaneous and balanced bioresorption to ensure structural stability throughout the healing process.

The P3D Bone requires no manual adjustment in the operating room and eliminates the need to harvest bone as well as the need for permanent and ill-fitting implants.

The P3D Bone illustrations shown on this site are intended to demonstrate potential use cases. Products are not cleared by the regulatory authorities and are therefore not approved for sale.

Tricalcium Phosphate: The Optimal Synthetic Choice

Over the past 40 years, bioceramic materials have proven very attractive bone graft substitutes, with beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) and hydroxyapatite (HA) being some of the most preferred due to their osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties.

While the two are sometimes mistaken for one another due to their chemical similarities, β-TCP has been proven to have superior properties compared to HA in terms of cell-mediated resorption and osteoconductivity. As a result, β-TCP has been widely used for filling and reconstructing bony defects in orthopedic surgery and spinal fusion.

Furthermore, the resorption rate and mechanical properties of the β-TCP bone graft substitute can be controlled via its 3D printed design to ensure structural stability during bone healing.

Ossiform® developed a technology to give shape and structure to the well-recognized material β-TCP


Pure β-TCP

The material has been used clinically for the past 40 years, primarily in non-structural forms like paste, and is known to carry minimal risk of complications. Our bodies recognize it as bone, and it therefore completely remodels into natural bone over time.



3D Printing

Ossiform® developed a 3D printing technique to give the material shape and structure, using 3D design to achieve ideal trade-offs between porosity and mechanical factors to match the specific demands of diversified applications in bone repair.



Structural implants

The P3D Bone provides a unique combination of natural and structural properties, thereby enabling metal-free solutions that surgeons can have confidence in, both in the short and long term, from anatomical fit to full fusion.

Microscopy images of the porous bioceramic P3D Scaffolds

Reliable Bone Reconstructions

P3D Bone is 3D printed with large interconnected and multidirectional macropores and canals to enhance cell attachment, growth, and migration and enable vascularization throughout the entire implant. This mimics the cancellous structure observed in human bones and supports the osteotransduction process.

The porous structure, containing physiologically relevant micro- and macropores, enables a strong ingrowth of new native bone. Meanwhile, the implant’s bone-like chemical composition and structure provides ideal conditions for a simultaneous and stabile resorption. This process ensures an effective remodeling of the implant into new vascularized bone.

Thygesen, T., et al. Comparison of off-the-shelf β-tricalcium phosphate implants with novel resorbable 3D printed implants in mandible ramus of pigs. Bone (2022): 116370.
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Jensen MB, et al. Treating mouse skull defects with 3D printed fatty acid and tricalcium phosphate implants. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. (2020): 1-11
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Jensen MB, et al. Composites of fatty acids and ceramic powders are versatile biomaterials for personalized implants and controlled release of pharmaceuticals. Bioprinting 10 (2018): e00027
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Slots C, et al. Simple additive manufacturing of an osteoconductive ceramic using suspension melt extrusion. Dental Materials 33.2 (2017): 198-208.
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