​News from the Lab

New master’s thesis project in collaboration with Ossiform®

project in collaboration with Ossiform

New master's thesis project in collaboration with Ossiform

At the end of summer, Laura will be starting her master’s thesis project here at Ossiform. She is currently studying for a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark.

Using our P3D Scaffolds, Laura will investigate potential antibacterial solutions and how they may be combined with our proprietary technology. Laura aims to develop a 3D-printed bioceramic scaffold that minimizes the risk of biofilm formation through a constant release of antibacterial factors.​

project in collaboration with Ossiform

P3D Scaffolds – design options

The P3D Scaffolds are provided in standard sizes suitable for 96-, 24-, 12-, and 6-well plates.

You can choose between two different designs – grid or gyroid.

However, special forms, sizes, and designs of the 3D scaffolds can be requested for a fully customized set of cell culture systems.