​News from the Lab

Osteoblasts living in culture on P3D Scaffolds for 20 weeks

Osteoblasts living in culture on P3D Scaffolds for 20 weeks

Even though our material is fully resorbable both in vivo and in vitro, it actually does not spontaneously dissolve while being used for cell culturing.

Our scientists have been testing it for weeks, and now we are ready to give a brief status update on our long term culturing experiment.

Currently, we have had osteoblasts in culture on P3D Scaffolds for 20 weeks. On the image to the left you’ll see a 10x magnification of osteoblasts residing in their extracellular matrix within a macropore of the P3D Scaffolds. To the right you’ll see that the P3D Scaffolds are still fully intact.

Judging by the light microscope images, the cells are thriving and showing that long term culturing of osteoblast for bone formation studies are easy to achieve using P3D Scaffolds.